Strength is the ability to achieve any goal in your life in a loving, honest, truthful, efficient and direct way. Strength requires motivation - and will power. Motivation has its source in your knowledge of usefulness and worthiness of your goal to be achieved. To find powerful lasting motivation to achieve a goal is missing as long as you are lacking clarity about worthiness of your goals to be achieved. Potential goals that lack true spiritual value are far harder or even impossible to achieve than goals of lasting divine value beyond this incarnation. If to learn to love or to expand your potential of love is your absolutely only purpose to do a particular work or job, then it is easy to connect to the sources of energy and divine bliss needed to acquire your strength needed to succeed.
Selfish goals however are difficult to achieve and the price for selfish goals usually is your life. Selfish people die - selfless people pass consciously through the door of death without dying.
Will power is the result of knowing about God and worthiness of your goal as well as the benefits of your goals for all creation. Will power is the determination to do and to give absolutely all to achieve your goal. Will power to achieve a goal requires a honest and sincere decision to achieve that one goal in mind.
How to Have a Strong Personality?
According to the Mr. Tasneem Moolla's oppinion, When the words ‘strong personality’ are mentioned, many thoughts come to mind. People have different opinions on this; some negative and others positive. The negative connotations of the words are that it refers to someone who is overbearing, demanding, arrogant and bossy. While the positive aspects far outweigh the negatives and include the following: a person who is confident in themselves, capable of leadership, shapes their own personalities and is not easily influenced by others, assertive, believes in and stands up for his rights, and has good self-control. The above are just some of the traits associated with a strong personality.
There are some people who believe that developing themselves physically will help them to have a strong personality. However, even though the word ‘strong’ seems to be used interchangeably, we should realize that a strong personality has more to do with the state of mind. Being physically strong does not necessarily mean that a person has a strong personality.
Expounding on the matter further, we find that many people believe that there is a distinct relationship between a strong personality and faith. They believe that a strong personality is very much related to the spirituality of a person, being religiously inclined and having a close relationship with their Creator.
To develop a strong personality, we should first, not judge or criticize anyone. We should be tolerant and overlook certain things. At the same time, we should be assertive if things are not right. We should also not have pride and arrogance. Being a hard-working individual is another point in trying to achieve a strong personality.
Simple Tips!
- Know yourself
- Be yourself. Always show people who you really are. Do not ever be fake or try to act like someone else . Let people like you for who you are.
- Be confident in yourself and stick to your beliefs.
- Learn to be assertive. Never be afraid to stand up for your rights.
- Set goals for yourself and on a periodic basis, reflect on whether you have achieved them.
- Let honesty be one of the main components of your life. Be honest with yourself, as well as with others.
- Be a leader and not a follower.
Like every thing else in life, in order for us to achieve we must make a concerted effort. To develop a strong personality we have to make certain changes in our lives. The changes should not take place rapidly; instead we should work on trying to improve small areas of our lives at a time. Do not expect to change overnight, as everything takes time.
Nurture your soul with things that bring happiness to your life. Live life to your full potential and remember that a strong personality is not inherited, but something that needs to be shaped and polished over time.